Monday, April 29

Mar 1970 - The Incredible Hulk

Hulk wakes up not knowing where he is, which isn't unusual. He then starts to remember trashing a wedding. This makes Hulk sad, so he turns back into Bruce Banner. Banner then remembers that he thought he had cured himself of being the Hulk and was getting ready to marry the girl of his dreams, Betty Ross, when super-villains caused him to hulk out at the altar.

Bruce is devestated by this, but then sees the newsflash that in a few hours Earth is going to travel through a comet tail that will kill everybody. Banner rushes to the Army Base, where he is made to fly the top secret rocket carrying a nuke to blow up the comet. He is a rocket scientist, after all...

He succeeds in blowing up the comet and saving the world, but on the way back to earth, he accidently snags the Absorbing Man (who was thrown into space by Thor a while back). The Absorbing Man decides killing the pilot of the rocket is a great idea and proceeds to smash the cockpit with his wrecking ball.


A big fight ensues, first on the rocket, then in the wreckage when the rocket crashes. Eventually the Absorbing Man absorbs Hulk's power, turns green and picks up a mountain to drop on the Hulk. The Hulk then conveniently turns back into Banner, the Absorbing man stops being green and turns into a rock and is crushed by the mountain he was holding.

Hulk/Banner wander off being sad...

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